Take Control Over a Complex Tag Environment

Seamlessly scale your web environment with complete tag visibility and control.

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Digital Transformation and Security Operations go Head to Head

While tag managers enable marketers and digital teams to easily add tags and integrations directly into the website’s production environment, these may also bypass standard security protocols. Marketing teams want freedom to innovate, but security is focused on risk management. This creates an internal conflict of interest where both parties are correct.

Don’t let Security Become a Hurdle to Innovation

Get notified about any new tag or changes made to your website environment, even if it was added through an approved tag manager.

From now on, marketing and security teams can work together harmoniously by providing a solution that enables secure and supervised tag implementation.

Case Study: Unmanaged GTM Tags Become a Security Nightmare

Explore how a global ticket seller experienced a data breach due to a misconfigured GTM tag, highlighting the critical need for clear ownership and proper management of GTM tags.

A tag sneaking in unnoticed? Not on our watch

Detect any changes to scripts, applications, pixels or tags and automatically map it into your asset inventory

Receive a comprehensive analysis and overview of your third- and fourth-party application relationships

Get the full risk profile on any app added by any of your tag managers

Quickly spot all website tags and fix any security and privacy gaps!

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