PCI Webinar with Jeremy King

Watch The Full Webinar
pci webinar with Jeremy King

Watch the FULL PCI WEBINAR featuring Jeremy King, Regional VP EMEA, PCI Security Standards Council, and learn about the challenges of achieving PCI compliance.

Navigating PCI DSS Updates: From Strategy to Real-World Success

As the latest PCI DSS updates approach, it’s time to turn strategy into action. In this exclusive webinar, we’re teaming up with the PCI Council UK to break down what the new changes mean for your business and why you need to act now. 

We’ll guide you through the updated requirements and provide practical steps to ensure your compliance strategy is on point. Featuring a real-world case study, you’ll see firsthand how these strategies are being implemented successfully in the field.

  • gain expert insights 
  • learn how to stay ahead of the curve in this evolving regulatory landscape, with particular reference to sections 6.4.3 and 11.6.1.

Key Takeaways

  • Fully understand the details of PCI DSS v4, especially the complex coding requirements of payment page scripts [6.4.3, 11.6.1], along with tips and tricks to enhance your experience.
  • Learn from Jeremy King, Regional VP EMEA, about the journey achieving compliance and beyond.
  • Anticipate and avoid some of the potential pitfalls in compliance preparation.

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