Secure Your Website Against Magecart Web Skimming Attacks

Identify and prevent web skimming attacks to significantly reduce the risk of a costly data breach

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The Damage Is Much Greater Than a Single Fine

Magecart attacks typically involve injecting malicious code into the checkout pages of vulnerable e-commerce websites in order to steal credit card information and other sensitive data.

While these types of attacks can indeed lead to data breaches that might result in hefty GDPR/CCPA fines, this is not the only consequence. Class-action lawsuits, brand damage, and the loss of clients’ trust can create devastating financial implications for your business.

On average, it takes 171 days* to discover a Magecart attack, as these attacks remain invisible to standard security controls like Web Application Firewalls (WAF).


Detect and Block Magecart Threats

Get complete coverage against Magecart malware attacks with advanced continuous monitoring that detects and prevents any malicious change to your websites so you never miss even the most sophisticated of attacks.

accessing sensitive data
communicating with malicious domains

Ensure continuous monitoring of all sensitive web pages:

Checkout pages

Cover the entire user journey from landing page to checkout while adhering to the new PCI DSS requirements.

Login areas

Make sure users’ credentials are safe and login pages are fully protected.

Forms submissions

Protect PII and sensitive data entry in complex purchasing processes and forms.

Stay Vigilant Against Any Malicious Change

With Reflectiz, you can:

Detect malicious scripts and domains
Track changes in your most critical web pages
Prioritize issues according to severity level
Utilize blocking on demand if needed
Take preemptive security measures
Effectively eliminate any malicious activity

Here is what our clients had to say about us

Being responsible for thousands of ecommerce stores used by millions of shoppers, I have to make sure we are well secured and have the ability to rapidly address dynamic changes. The Reflectiz solution offers quick deployment and for me, as a CISO, it also lets me sleep well at night.

Lance Wright
Information Security Executive

When I got to BigCommerce a year and a half ago, Magecart had been one of my primary concerns. Today it’s one of my least concerns… I’d say we’ve lucked out with the right people. Our partnership with Reflectiz has been awesome… Not just because of the tech, but because of the people. You need effort and care on both sides to make it successful

Dan Holden
VP, Cyber Security

The continual security monitoring and the prioritization make it very clear what you should be actioning on and the urgency of these actions...a view that I have not seen in other solutions.

Retail Director of Digital DevOps

Businesses can enjoy peace of mind

knowing their websites are safeguarded from Magecart attacks through Reflectiz’s continuous monitoring solution:

Eliminate exposure to potential Magecart attacks

Save money on fines and class action lawsuits

Maintain a robust security posture for your users’ data